Pet speaking test part 1 questions. Pet Speaking Test Images

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pet speaking test part 1 questions

Try and use a range of vocabulary and interesting words. In our country, we can give someone flower almost on any occasion to congratulate or wish good luck to this person. I usually prefer going outside in the evening. What is the weather usually like in your country? What is the most interesting part of your town? My classmates and I have been together since Infantil education so we know each other very well. She´s been a teacher for many years now and this is great because she can help me with my homework and to study for my exams. Keep in mind that the answers provided here are for reference only. Besides, some of our neighbours who walk in the park in the morning often exchange greetings with me.



pet speaking test part 1 questions

Perhaps the second most interesting fact of the city is that the wind power provides all the electricity we need. For me it's a kind of - how shall I say - something new and useful every week in the lessons. If we have something special to do or a plan to execute, we even meet on weekends. It is important to do exercise to stay healthy and to not be overweight fat. Hobbies 1 What do you like to do in your spare time? Do you often visit your hometown? Many young people run online businesses and a few rich people own hotel chains in our town.


Speaking practice for the Cambridge English Preliminary (Preliminary English Test or PET) from Flo

pet speaking test part 1 questions

What subjects do you enjoy the most? What is your first memory of your childhood? My parents are from a small village in Spain, but I have live in the city of Madrid for my whole life. As it is commonly believed, a person could be judged by the companies he keeps, and this is true in my case as well. She´s so annoying because she always wants to play in my room and I have to tell her that she has her own room. There is no cinema, no theater, no shopping center, almost nothing. Perhaps giving flowers in a sad and mournful event is not recommend and apart from that, I can present someone flowers anytime for any occasion. However, I don´t get along very well with my sister. As for my friends from my neighbourhood, I mostly see them in the evening on weekends.


Pet Speaking Test Images

pet speaking test part 1 questions

I am happy to be a resident of this town. What is a common leisure activity in your country? We met when were in the sixth grade, so around 12 years old. I really hope it snows while we are there. I do know some people who live in the outskirts las aufueras of the city and they live in a house chalet. Tell us about your English teacher? That would be tough to answer because the types of jobs people do in our town vary to a great extent. When was the last time you gave someone flowers? Are flowers important in your culture? Possible subjects where you live, family and home, school, English lessons and teacher.


IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics & Questions

pet speaking test part 1 questions

Most people I know who live in the city, especially near the city center, live in a flat. I have been living there as long as I can remember as it is our permanent residence. Topic: Your favourite place Q. Do any colours have a special meaning in your culture? I would never want to eat brains. This is an interesting question and I would be delighted to answer that. Do you ever wear the traditional clothes of your country? It's a beautiful town and people are nice and friendly.


Pet speaking questions with answers

pet speaking test part 1 questions

If we´re talking about allergies and things like that, there´s nothing that I really can´t eat. Internet How often do you go online? What characteristics do you admire most in a friend? That is why I believe that friendship is very important. Do you like wearing fashionable clothes? Thus some of my neighbours are intimate and dear to us and we have a great relationship. Only two or three of them are junior to me by five to six years. Since the building is located beside a lovely lake, we enjoy fresh air and can walk by the lake in the morning and evening.


IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics & Questions

pet speaking test part 1 questions

Dictionaries Do you often use a dictionary? One of my favorite activities is to go hiking in the mountains outside of the city. I like to play sports, especially football, and this is very good exercise. Do most people celebrate their birthdays with a party in your country? I live in an apartment with my family and the apartment is approximately twenty-five hundred square feet. My favourite colour is pink and I guess many other girls like me also have a fascination with this colour. There is an exhibition of old treasure from a sunken ship un barco hundido that has just arrived in Spain and it seems very interesting. Some texted or chatted on cell-u-voxes.


PET for schools Test Speaking Part 1 Questions Flashcards

pet speaking test part 1 questions

What so you find most difficult in studying English? Are you planning to do any courses in the near future? So, while there is nothing that I can´t eat, because of allergies or things like that, there are many things that I don´t want to eat. I make sure to keep my room clean and I help my mother to wash the dishes after dinner. But in generally I love reading my books, being with friends and family and doing sports, in particular running and yoga. What did you enjoy doing as a child? How popular is this with other people in your country? What is there for a foreigner to do or see in your hometown? Can you tell me something about your school? That would be around two weeks ago and we watched the latest Avengers series movie. Finally, job opportunities in our area is another reason people often move to our town.


PET (B1)

pet speaking test part 1 questions

It´s great because we often do activities that are outside of the book, so the class isn´t boring. When the genre started to fade out I definitely felt a void, but the game community has now quickly started to fill that void. Do you usually celebrate your birthday? However, you should try to say more than short one or two word answers. Would you prefer to live in your own country or in another country? However, there are definitely things that I don´t want to eat. He works for a telecommunications company and helps make sure that the mobile phones in Spain always work. I try to talk to all of my friends when I can to see how they are doing.


Preliminary English Test (PET) Speaking Part 1 Practice Test

pet speaking test part 1 questions

So, overall, my favorite food is seafood gumbo. Ask each other 'Yes' 'No questions and practise extending your answer a little with a reason, or an example. These do not need to be read in any order, although you may find that some people's encounters overlap, if you look closely. Try a Part 1 practice test below. Alternative Answer: White and red were my favourite colours up until I turned 19.

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